lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

Jungle Tabacco tea cleaning ritual

Cleansing session of the tradition from northen amazon with a tradition reaching over 3000 years. The session consist of cleansing by provoked vomit with a tea made of the tobacco plant, known as Tabaco Mapacho. Ancestraly used to give strenght and mental clarity. The Tabaco Mapacho is a master plant, masculine, solar plant, is considered as as sacred in Peruvian Amazon basin.

The method:
The session can be done in the morning, as this is the time when the body facilitates elimination of toxins and cleansing or early evening at down with around the fire.
This method used by the native indians consists in drinking a warm tea made of tobacco and warm water which stimulates elimination of toxins and blockages (phisical, mental and emotional) through vomiting.

It is important to mention that vomiting in the ancestral cultures are not considered as something negative, on the contrary it it a way for the body to get rid of the illnesses/negative energies. Also, if we observe the nature we see that animals ocassionally eat certain wild plants in order to clean themselves.
During the tabaco session the act of vomiting itself is not nasty and unplesant as after heavy alcohol drinking or bad food, in fact is liberating as one vomits energy and water. For this reason it is compulsury to come to the session on empty stomack.

The results of the tobacco cleansing are felt right away after and also in the days and weeks following the session.

This session is ideal for:
* cleansing the body from toxins in general
* reducing anxiety and bringing calmness
* reducing / eliminating auto-destructive habbits (mainly addiction to tabacco)
* fears and psico-emotional blockages removal
* lung capacity improvemet
* blood presure, blood oxigen levels and heart beat issues improvement
* preparing the body for ceremonies with entheogens

This session is not recommended to pregnant women and those who suffer hypotension (abnormally low blood pressure), had a heart operation or a brain mechanical damage.

Those recomendation should be followed in order to obtain the most advantage of the session. 3 days before and 3 days after the session avoid:
* alcohol, drugs and chimical substances
* strong spices and food with conservants
* meat, mainly swine and its derivatives
* fried and fat foods
* foods with high quantity of salt and sugar
* sexual contacts
* environments with heavy, negative energies

For the session:
* do not eat/drink anything in the morning of the session
* bring a blanket ot cover self
* wear confortble clothes

Important note: Integration period post ceremony
After a ceremony with teacher plants (Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Peyote etc) or a retreat where the teacher plants are used it is essential for your own good to integrate the experiance. What does it mean? It means you should take your time and have at least the full day or 2 days in a quiet place where you can sleep, have walks in nature, eat light and healthy food, drink loads of water, liquids and fruit juices.
After the ceremony you body is fragile and your energy field is still open and it can be very damaging for you if you are set to travel by bus or plane for many hours. There no point of rushing things thru willing to see more places or wanting to experience more ceremonies. Take your time, and give you body and your energetical system time to adapt to a new configuration.

Unless you are in a retreat with a specific programme with a start and finish it is recommended you to have at least 2 weeks break before you have another ceremony.

Ayahuasca ceremony

Ayahuasca - what is it?
Ayahuasca, is the Mother of all things, it is a wisdom spirit of the Universe.
It is served as a tea, a brew made of two plants from the amazon: liana of Ayahuasca (banisteriopsis caapi) and a small tree of chacruna or liana chagropanga (psicotria viridis – dyplocteris cabreyana). 

What is the Ayahusca ceremony for?

The Ayashuasca ceremonies offered are suitable for all ages and adapted to the uban westerners.
The ceremony is a Sacred Space of healing and learning. 

What will you heal and what will you learn? 

Well, each time is different. There are many things to heal in one's life, in one's family life, in one's body, in one's soul.
The learning of oneself and on the Universe is virtually unlimited. It can teach you about things that are matter and you can see them with your eyes and about things that are purely in spiritual form.
Some people learn more about themselves, some learn how to be better teachers, some gain knowledge of the Laws of Nature and Laws of Creation, some gain knowledge of magic and psychic powers and some learn a new proffesion or remember things and skills from previous encarnations.
One thing is certain, this experience will transform you, will enrich you and your life afterwards will be healthier, more loving and in harmony with others, more meaningfull and wiser. 

The ceremony I offer is for a small group. It is a usually very subtle, soft and intimate and sacred experience. It is suitable for almost everyone of any age.

The session is held at night and it can take between 3 to 6 hours normally, depending on the individual processes.
The daytime outdoor ceremonies are a great opportunity to connect with nature around you and last about 2 hours.

The Ayahuasca brew 

The Ayahusca I offer currently is prepared in Pucallpa by the Shipibo people from the village of SantaClara de Yarinacocha, near Pucallpa. It is prepared by the hand of an experienced curandero coming from a family of many generations of curanderos and the wisdom of that lineage is contained within.
It is a liquid tresure, a wisdom in the liquid form that we have the priviledge to drink during our ceremonies.

The liquid itself it is a 'wine of the soul' which contains energies of all emements that compose our body (earth, water, fire, air) and our soul (light and energy). It is like a Universal medicine that will complete and fill any deficiences that we have in our being.

It is also a concentrated intake of pure nature, especially recommended for those born and living in cities.

Before the ceremony

* Each partecipant will have a small interview a few days before the ceremony to guarantee the right uptitude to it and to clarify any doubts you might have.
* 1 to 3 days preparations is required to prepare your body and to obtain the best results from the session, please see below.

After the ceremony

* Please make some time and personal space after the ceremony to integrate the energy of it and it's learings. It is advisable to have a period of 1 to 3 days of 'coming back' gradually to your day to day life.
* This teacher plant will stay in our body from 6 to 9 months and will teach and guide us though our intuition.

Please book at least 2 to 3 days in advance.

Important note: Integration period post ceremony
After a ceremony with teacher plants (Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Peyote etc) or a retreat where the teacher plants are used it is essential for your own good to integrate the experiance. What does it mean? It means you should take your time and have at least the full day or 2 days in a quiet place where you can sleep, have walks in nature, eat light and healthy food, drink loads of water, liquids and fruit juices.
After the ceremony you body is fragile and your energy field is still open and it can be very damaging for you if you are set to travel by bus or plane for many hours. There no point of rushing things thru willing to see more places or wanting to experience more ceremonies. Take your time, and give you body and your energetical system time to adapt to a new configuration.

Unless you are in a retreat with a specific programme with a start and finish it is recommended you to have at least 2 weeks break before you have another ceremony.


Here is more information and recommendation written by my amazon friends, Ayahuasca experts:

Ayahuasca or Yage is a brew made of two plants of the amazon: liana of Ayahuasca (banisteriopsis caapi) and a small tree of chacruna or liana chagropanga (psicotria viridis – dyplocteris cabreyana). This brew is considered as a sacred medicine and has been used by our ancestors in the amazon jungle for more than 3 to 4 thousand years. 

The ideal way to experience ayahuasca es thru the traditional way it was discovered and shared, with deep respect and consciousness that one is entering a deep process of personal healing in which ayahuasca will put you right in front of yourself, so that you can see yourself, so that you know yourself better on the inside: This will allow you to purify your past, to forgive, to leave behind the attachments and addictions and all that is blocking you to be your real self.

The ceremonies / sessions are sacred ritual spaces, where 'el curandero' or the shaman from the amazon invites to the drink the medicine during the session. 
Normally the sessions take place at night. 

The Ayashuasca ceremonies offered are suitable for all ages and adapted to the uban westerners.

The duration of the ceremony depends exclusively on the process of the partecipants. Each person has their own individual, personal processand each session is completely different from each other, none of them is the same.

The medicine works step by step, like a scanner finding blockages, negative energies and helping bit by bit to free yourself from them.
When you are under the effect of the medicine you do not loose consciousness nor reasoning ability, on the contrary, one enters on the expanded level of consciouness and preception, where you not only perceive the meterial world but also the spiritual or energetical world, both interior as well as exterior. 
This means the enhanced and intensyfied visions, thoughts and feelings of what we hold inside are mede aparent during the session.

The  Ayahuasca processes are beautifull, which does not mean they are easy, and the best thing to do during the ceremony is to let go, let flow, acept and loose the ilusion of control one has over things.
Never put yourself in the vistim position of what ones sees or feels, but be a mere observer that learns from his own interior reality.

Those are some benefits that people undertaking our healing process had experienced:
* liverage of emotional blockages, profound feeling of peace with one`s own past
* mental and emotional clarity
* being healeb from various ilnesses and health problems
* found a path of a meaningfull, happy and harmonious life
* enhanced openness towards spiritual life
* mayor improvement in their interpersonal relationships

Preparation for the ceremonies of Yagé / Ayahuasca

Good things in life always demand a sacrifice and effort from our part, this is a way to measure our motivation ad our commitment for the medicine. 
Ayahuasca is so loving that is does not ask us much, and it gives us much more in exchange. So in order top partecipate in the ceremony you should hold a diet for at least 3 days before it and keep it for the 3 days afterwards.

The diet consists of not eating pork meat, not eating any spicy food, no consumption of drugs nor alcohol of any sort, and have a period of sexual abstency.

If you had never had a teacher plant experience (ayahuasca, san pedro, peyote etc) it is advisable to have a purge beforehands. See here for more details >>

Women that have their menstrual period are allowed to partecipate after the third day after the period is over.

It is important to point out that people that use frequently psycotropic plants, such as marihuana, it is best to stop smoking at least a week before the session, as marihuana tends to block visions and the work of the medicine. If you have trouble leaving this substance or need cleansing there is a special plant that Shipibos call Pish Pish. The Marihuana cleaning from your body costs about U$D300 per session and you might require up to 3 sessions depending on the seriousness of your addition to this substance.

When is it not posible to have Ayahuasca?
* when you have cronical o serious hearth illnesses.
* when you have a compulsive epilepsy.
* when you suffer from serious hypertension.
* when you suffer from squizofrenia or tendencies to it.
* if you suffer depression and are taking anti depresive pills, it is best to suspend taking them at least a week before the ceremony.
* if you are pregnant in you first 3 months.
* if you are addicted or make frequent use of hard drugs such as: cocaíne, heroine, crack or simillar, first you have have to go though a long detox period with purging plants in order to be able to take part in the ayahuasca session See here for more details >>

Good videos:
Maybe de best ever talk on Ayahuasca. Ken Wilber explains how the use of Ayahuasca can speed up the proces of transformation, in combination with a regular meditation practise. It's not about the visions or processes... but about discovering that that is never born, and will never die. 

Books  on Ayahuasca: